Welcome to the Open Arcade Architecture Forum
The Open Arcade Architecture is an industry-wide initiative that
encourages the development of hardware and software, based on an open
architecture PC reference platform, for game arcades, location-based
entertainment, and high-end visual entertainment for the home. To
encourage rapid market development of this exciting computing environment,
ensure systems and software compatibility, while delivering arcade game
performance equaling or exceeding that of proprietary systems, the Open
Arcade Architecture Forum (OAAF) was created.
Such an initiative encourages games developers to fully harness the
performance of the Pentium® II processor, allowing them to deliver
uncompromising quality in game play on a standardized platform. This also
facilitates rapid migration of high-quality software games from coin-op
machines to retail distribution for home computers.
The purpose of the OAAF is to provide a peer-to-peer environment in which
technology road maps are shared, interoperability and compatibility issues
explored, and market opportunities enhanced through the exchange of ideas
and matchmaking. For additional OAA developer support information, please visit
Intel Developers' web site, developer.Intel.com/drg.
If you're a software or hardware vendor, system integrator, or game
publisher, you are invited to submit an application for membership in the Open Arcade Architecture Forum if you are interested in contributing the product and market development of Intel-architecture based arcade.